package types

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. types
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. type ![A] = (A) => Nothing
  2. type !![A] = (![A]) => Nothing
  3. type BooleanOrNumeric = ((Boolean) => Nothing with (Half) => Nothing with (Float) => Nothing with (Double) => Nothing with (Byte) => Nothing with (Short) => Nothing with (Int) => Nothing with (Long) => Nothing with (UByte) => Nothing with (UShort) => Nothing with (UInt) => Nothing with (ULong) => Nothing with (ComplexFloat) => Nothing with (ComplexDouble) => Nothing with (QByte) => Nothing with (QShort) => Nothing with (QInt) => Nothing with (QUByte) => Nothing with (QUShort) => Nothing) => Nothing
  4. type Complex = ((ComplexFloat) => Nothing with (ComplexDouble) => Nothing) => Nothing
  5. case class ComplexDouble(real: Double, imaginary: Double) extends Product with Serializable
  6. case class ComplexFloat(real: Float, imaginary: Float) extends Product with Serializable
  7. type Contains[S, T] = <:<[!![S], T]
  8. case class DataType[T] extends Product with Serializable
  9. type Decimal = ((TruncatedHalf) => Nothing with (Half) => Nothing with (Float) => Nothing with (Double) => Nothing) => Nothing
  10. trait Disjunction[T] extends AnyRef
  11. type FloatOrDouble = ((Float) => Nothing with (Double) => Nothing) => Nothing
  12. final case class Half(data: Short) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  13. type HalfOrFloat = ((Half) => Nothing with (Float) => Nothing) => Nothing
  14. type HalfOrFloatOrDouble = ((Half) => Nothing with (Float) => Nothing with (Double) => Nothing) => Nothing
  15. type IntOrLong = ((Int) => Nothing with (Long) => Nothing) => Nothing
  16. type IntOrLongOrFloatOrDouble = ((Int) => Nothing with (Long) => Nothing with (Float) => Nothing with (Double) => Nothing) => Nothing
  17. type IntOrLongOrHalfOrFloatOrDouble = ((Int) => Nothing with (Long) => Nothing with (Half) => Nothing with (Float) => Nothing with (Double) => Nothing) => Nothing
  18. type IntOrLongOrUByte = ((Int) => Nothing with (Long) => Nothing with (UByte) => Nothing) => Nothing
  19. type Integer = ((Byte) => Nothing with (Short) => Nothing with (Int) => Nothing with (Long) => Nothing with (UByte) => Nothing with (UShort) => Nothing with (UInt) => Nothing with (ULong) => Nothing) => Nothing
  20. type IsBooleanOrNumeric[T] = <:<[!![T], BooleanOrNumeric]
  21. type IsComplex[T] = <:<[!![T], Complex]
  22. type IsDecimal[T] = <:<[!![T], Decimal]
  23. type IsFloatOrDouble[T] = <:<[!![T], FloatOrDouble]
  24. type IsHalfOrFloat[T] = <:<[!![T], HalfOrFloat]
  25. type IsHalfOrFloatOrDouble[T] = <:<[!![T], HalfOrFloatOrDouble]
  26. type IsIntOrLong[T] = <:<[!![T], IntOrLong]
  27. type IsIntOrLongOrFloatOrDouble[T] = <:<[!![T], IntOrLongOrFloatOrDouble]
  28. type IsIntOrLongOrHalfOrFloatOrDouble[T] = <:<[!![T], IntOrLongOrHalfOrFloatOrDouble]
  29. type IsIntOrLongOrUByte[T] = <:<[!![T], IntOrLongOrUByte]
  30. type IsIntOrUInt[T] = <:<[!![T], Integer]
  31. type IsNotQuantized[T] = <:<[!![T], NotQuantized]
  32. type IsNumeric[T] = <:<[!![T], Numeric]
  33. type IsQuantized[T] = <:<[!![T], Quantized]
  34. type IsReal[T] = <:<[!![T], Real]
  35. type IsStringOrFloatOrLong[T] = <:<[!![T], StringOrFloatOrLong]
  36. type IsStringOrInteger[T] = <:<[!![T], StringOrInteger]
  37. type IsTruncatedHalfOrFloatOrDouble[T] = <:<[!![T], TruncatedHalfOrFloatOrDouble]
  38. type IsTruncatedHalfOrHalfOrFloat[T] = <:<[!![T], TruncatedHalfOrHalfOrFloat]
  39. type IsUByteOrUShort[T] = <:<[!![T], UByteOrUShort]
  40. type NotQuantized = ((TruncatedHalf) => Nothing with (Half) => Nothing with (Float) => Nothing with (Double) => Nothing with (Byte) => Nothing with (Short) => Nothing with (Int) => Nothing with (Long) => Nothing with (UByte) => Nothing with (UShort) => Nothing with (UInt) => Nothing with (ULong) => Nothing with (ComplexFloat) => Nothing with (ComplexDouble) => Nothing) => Nothing
  41. type Numeric = ((TruncatedHalf) => Nothing with (Half) => Nothing with (Float) => Nothing with (Double) => Nothing with (Byte) => Nothing with (Short) => Nothing with (Int) => Nothing with (Long) => Nothing with (UByte) => Nothing with (UShort) => Nothing with (UInt) => Nothing with (ULong) => Nothing with (ComplexFloat) => Nothing with (ComplexDouble) => Nothing with (QByte) => Nothing with (QShort) => Nothing with (QInt) => Nothing with (QUByte) => Nothing with (QUShort) => Nothing) => Nothing
  42. final case class QByte(data: Byte) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  43. final case class QInt(data: Int) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  44. final case class QShort(data: Short) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  45. final case class QUByte(data: Byte) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  46. final case class QUShort(data: Short) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  47. type Quantized = ((QByte) => Nothing with (QShort) => Nothing with (QInt) => Nothing with (QUByte) => Nothing with (QUShort) => Nothing) => Nothing
  48. type Real = ((TruncatedHalf) => Nothing with (Half) => Nothing with (Float) => Nothing with (Double) => Nothing with (Byte) => Nothing with (Short) => Nothing with (Int) => Nothing with (Long) => Nothing with (UByte) => Nothing with (UShort) => Nothing with (UInt) => Nothing with (ULong) => Nothing) => Nothing
  49. final case class Resource(data: Long) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  50. type SignedInteger = ((Byte) => Nothing with (Short) => Nothing with (Int) => Nothing with (Long) => Nothing) => Nothing
  51. type StringOrFloatOrLong = ((String) => Nothing with (Float) => Nothing with (Long) => Nothing) => Nothing
  52. type StringOrInteger = ((String) => Nothing with (Byte) => Nothing with (Short) => Nothing with (Int) => Nothing with (Long) => Nothing with (UByte) => Nothing with (UShort) => Nothing with (UInt) => Nothing with (ULong) => Nothing) => Nothing
  53. trait TF[T] extends AnyRef
    @implicitNotFound("Cannot prove that ${T} is a supported TensorFlow data type.")
  54. trait TFLowPriority extends TFLowestPriority
  55. trait TFLowestPriority extends AnyRef
  56. final case class TruncatedHalf(data: Short) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  57. type TruncatedHalfOrFloatOrDouble = ((TruncatedHalf) => Nothing with (Float) => Nothing with (Double) => Nothing) => Nothing
  58. type TruncatedHalfOrHalfOrFloat = ((TruncatedHalf) => Nothing with (Half) => Nothing with (Float) => Nothing) => Nothing
  59. final case class UByte(data: Byte) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  60. type UByteOrUShort = ((UByte) => Nothing with (UShort) => Nothing) => Nothing
  61. final case class UInt(data: Int) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  62. final case class ULong(data: Long) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  63. final case class UShort(data: Short) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  64. type Union[T] = AnyRef { type or[S] = org.platanios.tensorflow.api.core.types.package.Disjunction[T => Nothing with S => Nothing] }
  65. type UnsignedInteger = ((UByte) => Nothing with (UShort) => Nothing with (UInt) => Nothing with (ULong) => Nothing) => Nothing
  66. final case class Variant(data: Long) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. val BFLOAT16: DataType[TruncatedHalf]
  2. val BOOLEAN: DataType[Boolean]
  3. val COMPLEX128: DataType[ComplexDouble]
  4. val COMPLEX64: DataType[ComplexFloat]
  5. val FLOAT16: DataType[Half]
  6. val FLOAT32: DataType[Float]
  7. val FLOAT64: DataType[Double]
  8. val INT16: DataType[Short]
  9. val INT32: DataType[Int]
  10. val INT64: DataType[Long]
  11. val INT8: DataType[Byte]
  12. val QINT16: DataType[QShort]
  13. val QINT32: DataType[QInt]
  14. val QINT8: DataType[QByte]
  15. val QUINT16: DataType[QUShort]
  16. val QUINT8: DataType[QUByte]
  17. val RESOURCE: DataType[Resource]
  18. val STRING: DataType[String]
  19. val UINT16: DataType[UShort]
  20. val UINT32: DataType[UInt]
  21. val UINT64: DataType[ULong]
  22. val UINT8: DataType[UByte]
  23. val VARIANT: DataType[Variant]
  24. object DataType extends Serializable
  25. object IsBooleanOrNumeric
  26. object IsComplex
  27. object IsDecimal
  28. object IsFloatOrDouble
  29. object IsHalfOrFloat
  30. object IsHalfOrFloatOrDouble
  31. object IsIntOrLong
  32. object IsIntOrLongOrFloatOrDouble
  33. object IsIntOrLongOrHalfOrFloatOrDouble
  34. object IsIntOrLongOrUByte
  35. object IsIntOrUInt
  36. object IsNotQuantized
  37. object IsNumeric
  38. object IsQuantized
  39. object IsReal
  40. object IsStringOrFloatOrLong
  41. object IsStringOrInteger
  42. object IsTruncatedHalfOrFloatOrDouble
  43. object IsTruncatedHalfOrHalfOrFloat
  44. object IsUByteOrUShort
  45. object TF extends TFLowPriority

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
