package helpers

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. helpers
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. sealed trait DataTypeStructure[D] extends AnyRef
  2. sealed trait DataTypeToOutput[D] extends AnyRef
  3. trait DataTypeToOutputLowPriorityImplicits extends AnyRef
  4. sealed trait DataTypeToShape[D] extends AnyRef
  5. trait DataTypeToShapeLowPriorityImplicits extends AnyRef
  6. type IndexedSlicesDataType[T] = (core.types.DataType[Int], core.types.DataType[T], core.types.DataType[Int])
  7. trait NestedStructureOpsLowPriority extends AnyRef
  8. sealed trait OpStructure[T] extends AnyRef
  9. sealed trait OutputStructure[T] extends AnyRef
  10. sealed trait OutputToDataType[T] extends AnyRef
  11. sealed trait OutputToShape[T] extends AnyRef
  12. sealed trait OutputToTensor[T] extends AnyRef
  13. trait OutputToTensorLowPriorityImplicits extends AnyRef
  14. sealed trait ShapeStructure[S] extends AnyRef
  15. type SparseDataType[T] = (core.types.DataType[Long], core.types.DataType[T], core.types.DataType[Long])
  16. type SparseShape = (core.Shape, core.Shape, core.Shape)
  17. sealed trait TensorStructure[V] extends AnyRef
  18. sealed trait TensorToDataType[T] extends AnyRef
  19. sealed trait TensorToOutput[T] extends AnyRef
  20. trait TensorToOutputLowPriorityImplicits extends AnyRef
  21. sealed trait TensorToShape[T] extends AnyRef
  22. case class VariantDataset[T](handle: ops.Output[core.types.Variant], _outputDataTypes: Any = null, _outputShapes: Any = null)(implicit evidence$1: OutputStructure[T]) extends Dataset[T] with Product with Serializable
  23. sealed trait Zero[T] extends AnyRef

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
