package jni

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package generated

Type Members

  1. class AbortedException extends TensorFlowException
  2. class AlreadyExistsException extends TensorFlowException
  3. class CancelledException extends TensorFlowException
  4. class DataLossException extends TensorFlowException
  5. class DeadlineExceededException extends TensorFlowException
  6. class FailedPreconditionException extends TensorFlowException
  7. class InternalException extends TensorFlowException
  8. class InvalidArgumentException extends TensorFlowException
  9. class NotFoundException extends TensorFlowException
  10. class OutOfRangeException extends TensorFlowException
  11. case class Output(opHandle: Long, outputIndex: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  12. class PermissionDeniedException extends TensorFlowException
  13. class ResourceExhaustedException extends TensorFlowException
  14. abstract class TensorFlowException extends RuntimeException
  15. class UnauthenticatedException extends TensorFlowException
  16. class UnavailableException extends TensorFlowException
  17. class UnimplementedException extends TensorFlowException
  18. class UnknownException extends TensorFlowException
  19. case class VariableDataTypes(variables: Array[String], dataTypes: Array[Int]) extends Product with Serializable
  20. case class VariableShapes(variables: Array[String], shapes: Array[Array[Long]]) extends Product with Serializable
