

A Model needs to implement one or more of the following methods, depending on their type:

  • Inference Models only need to implement a method for building all ops used for inference:

    trait InferenceModel[In, Out] extends Model {
      def buildInferOps(): Model.InferOps[In, Out]
  • Trainable Models also need to implement a method for building all ops used for training, and one for building all ops used for evaluation:

    trait TrainableModel[In, TrainIn, Out, TrainOut, Loss, EvalIn] extends InferenceModel[In, Out] {
      def buildTrainOps(): Model.TrainOps[TrainIn, TrainOut, Loss]
      def buildEvalOps(metrics: Seq[Metric[EvalIn, Output[Float]]]): Model.EvalOps[TrainIn, Out]
    trait SupervisedTrainableModel[In, TrainIn, Out, TrainOut, Loss] extends TrainableModel[In, (In, TrainIn), Out, TrainOut, Loss, (Out, (In, TrainIn))] {
      override def buildTrainOps(): Model.TrainOps[(In, TrainIn), TrainOut, Loss]
      override def buildEvalOps(metrics: Seq[Metric[(Out, (In, TrainIn)), Output[Float]]]): Model.EvalOps[(In, TrainIn), Out]
    trait UnsupervisedTrainableModel[In, Out, Loss] extends TrainableModel[In, In, Out, Out, Loss, Out] {
      override def buildTrainOps(): Model.TrainOps[In, Out, Loss]
      override def buildEvalOps(metrics: Seq[Metric[Out, Output[Float]]]): Model.EvalOps[In, Out]

Type Parameters

The type parameters of these classes can be broadly interpreted as follows:

  • In: Input type of the model, at inference time (i.e., when the model is being used/deployed).
  • TrainIn: Input type of the model, at training time (e.g., this could be the model inference inputs along with supervision labels).
  • Out: Output type of the model, at inference time.
  • TrainOut: Output type of the model, at training time. Note that this is useful to keep separate from Out. From example, during training a model may output a distribution over some labels whereas during inference it may output the single label with the highest probability.
  • Loss: Type of the loss function value (e.g., Float).
  • EvalIn: Input type of the model, at evaluation time.

Ops Classes

Here we describe the ops classes that the buildXXXOps() methods defined above return. In summary, these classes are wrappers over constructed ops that can be used to perform inference, training, and evaluation, using models.

The InferOps class contains all ops that are used for inference:

  • inputIterator: DatasetIterator[In]: Dataset iterator.
  • input: In: Retrieved element from the dataset iterator.
  • output: Out: Model inference output.

The TrainOps class contains all ops that are used for training:

  • inputIterator: DatasetIterator[TrainIn]: Train dataset iterator.
  • input: TrainIn: Retrieved element from the dataset iterator.
  • output: TrainOut: Model training output.
  • loss: Output[Loss]: Scalar tensor containing the loss value.
  • gradientsAndVariables: Seq[(OutputLike[Loss], Variable[Any])]: Gradients of the loss along with their corresponding variables.
  • trainOp: UntypedOp: Op that when executed performs a single training step (e.g., a gradient descent step for a single batch).

The EvalOps class contains all ops that are used for evaluation:

  • inputIterator: DatasetIterator[In]: Dataset iterator.
  • input: In: Retrieved element from the dataset iterator.
  • output: Out: Model evaluation output.
  • metricValues: Seq[Output[Float]]: Metric value ops.
  • metricUpdates: Seq[Output[Float]]: Metric update ops.
  • metricResets: Set[UntypedOp]: Metric reset ops.

Note that the metrics have value, update, and reset ops, because estimators only use streaming versions of the metrics.